Why EarthBank?

You want a place to save your money without funding climate destruction. You want a way to convert your home to using clean energy without going broke. You want a way to help save the planet and feel empowered.


That’s why EarthBank.


We’re different. Think of us as your banking alternative. The un-bank. We’re banking with a purpose.

How we’re different:

Purpose Driven vs. Profit Driven

EarthBank is a not-for-profit organization, meaning we’re not in the market for profit — we’re here to make change. We don’t answer to shareholders. We answer to the earth, which is telling us to stop burning fossil fuels. So we won’t be profiting at the expense of customers, but rather fighting to save our planet.

Purpose Driven vs. Profit Driven

EarthBank is a not-for-profit organization, meaning we’re not in the market for profit — we’re here to make change. We don’t answer to shareholders. We answer to the earth, which is telling us to stop burning fossil fuels. So we won’t be profiting at the expense of customers, but rather fighting to save our planet.

Sustainable Instead of Supersized

Most banks pride themselves on how many branches they have. We pride ourselves on our low carbon footprint. Our 100% online banking model allows us to operate EarthBank sustainably and put all of our funds toward helping our customers convert from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy.

Clean Energy vs. Fossil Fuels

EarthBank doesn’t fund fossil fuel companies. We fund homeowners trying to convert their homes to clean energy. And in doing so, we give everyone a banking alternative that makes them part of the solution instead of the problem.  We empower people to use their choice of bank to become climate activists.

Clean Energy vs. Fossil Fuels

EarthBank doesn’t fund fossil fuel companies. We fund homeowners trying to convert their homes to clean energy. And in doing so, we give everyone a banking alternative that makes them part of the solution instead of the problem.  We empower people to use their choice of bank to become climate activists.

Transparent vs. Opaque

When you bank with other banks, you don’t know where your money is going. At EarthBank, you do. We want our customers to know exactly what happens with their money after they deposit it. 


So our business model is transparent: Outside of basic operating expenses, all our money goes to helping fund the clean energy revolution.