Frequently Asked Questions

Q 2

How would I go about cashing a check, considering EarthBank is 100% online?

To deposit a check, simply open the EarthBank app and snap a picture of it. Check cashed! This way, you save a trip to the bank, and cut down on your daily emissions. It’s a win-win all across the board!
Q 2

Does EarthBank provide paper checks like other banks do?

EarthBank does not provide paper checks. Instead, we use something called electronic checks, or eChecks. These digital checks are a huge paper-saver. (Think of all the trees that will be saved, not to mention the waterways that will be kept free of printing pollutants.) You can purchase eChecks in the EarthBank app for a small fee. Banking with EarthBank makes every part of your banking journey sustainable.
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What about direct deposits?

EarthBank provides direct deposit as an alternative to eChecks. These also cost a small fee, but much lower than market average. A direct deposit is where money is transferred directly from one account to another. All direct deposits are FDIC insured.
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How do I withdraw paper money from my EarthBank account?

EarthBank has partnered with retail outlets to provide our customers with the simplest option when it comes to withdrawing money. Just use your EarthBank ATM card at checkout counters for withdrawals up to $400/day.
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I like EarthBank. Can I donate to help the cause?

Yes! At EarthBank, we don’t have investors and shareholders, we have donors and banking customers. Anyone can be a donor, and all donations made to EarthBank are tax-deductible. All donations are gratefully accepted and used to fund the clean energy revolution!