Save Money. Save The World.

Between 2015 and 2021, the top 6 US banks provided $1.4 trillion in financing to the fossil fuel industry. That means the banks’ collective 307.5 million users’ hard-earned cash went towards intensifying climate change. 


We’re taking a different approach. Instead of funding fossil fuel corporations, we’re funding the fight against climate change.

Low Interest Loans for Clean Energy

Did you know that approximately 20% of all carbon emissions in the U.S. come from heating and cooling homes? That’s 5.43 gigatons of carbon dioxide emissions every year from U.S. households alone. 


We can change that. We need to change that.


At EarthBank, our mission is to fight climate change by providing low-interest loans to U.S. homeowners who want to use clean energy in their homes.


With only 22% of U.S. homes currently using clean energy, we can make big impacts through small changes.

Low Interest Loans for Clean Energy

Did you know that approximately 20% of all carbon emissions in the U.S. come from heating and cooling homes?  That’s 5.43 gigatons of carbon dioxide emissions every year from U.S. households alone. 


We can change that.  We need to change that.


At Earthbank, our mission is to fight climate change by providing low-interest loans to U.S. homeowners who want to use clean energy in their homes.


With only 22% of US homes currently using clean energy, we can make big impacts through small changes.

Invest in Future Generations

Up until now, there hasn’t been a lot the average person could do when it comes to the fight against climate change, except maybe taking a travel mug to work  — which, let’s face it, isn’t gonna save our planet. 


But now there is. 


EarthBank is an online non-profit banking solution focused solely on fighting the climate crisis. 


EarthBank customers are climate activists. Warriors in the fight against climate change.  Superheroes who help save the world through their daily banking. 


By banking with EarthBank, you are investing in the future of generations to come. 

Switch to Sustainability

When most people think about the causes of climate change, they think the fossil fuel industry. But what they may not think about is how they may be financing that industry through their banking choice. 


EarthBank is a climate-conscious bank focused on fighting the effects of fossil fuel pollution. We use our funds to provide low-interest loans to people looking to put clean energy in their homes.


Whether our customers are just saving their money with us or taking out loans, they are doing their part in helping us obtain climate stability.

Switch to Sustainability

When most people think about the causes of climate change, they think the fossil fuel industry. But what they may not think about is how they may be financing that industry through their banking choice. 


EarthBank is a climate-conscious bank focused on fighting the effects of fossil fuel pollution. We use funds to provide low-interest loans to people looking to put clean energy in their homes.


Whether our customers are just saving their money with us or taking out loans, they are doing their part in helping us obtain climate stability.

Keep Our Home Green

At EarthBank, we love our home, and we are dedicated to finding ways to protect it. Because, after all, it’s the only one we have.


While most banks profit greatly from interest rates on loans, as a non-profit, we profit little. It’s enough to pay expenses, but all extra profits go back into the money pool. 


We’re here to make change, not big profits. Our loans are only for improving energy efficiency in homes. We do not lend out for anything else.

Three Ways to Become an EarthBank Climate Activist:

Take out a loan

The action itself might not have big impacts, but the results will, because taking out a loan to improve the energy efficiency of your home will create positive change for years to come.

Bank with us

When you bank at EarthBank, you’re helping fund a clean energy revolution. And by moving your money away from the banks that fund the fossil fuel industry, you are taking control of how your money is used!


Join our cause! EarthBank is a nonprofit, so all of your donations are 100% tax-deductible. Your donated money goes toward funding low interest loans.

Change Your World